Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The 10 Count Episode 48 - The RAW file was much longer.


01.) RAW
02.) Elimination Chamber Predictions
03.) From Rarity: Since they apparently don't sell how can WWE make Daniel Bryan's merchandise popular?
04.) From BlueArmyMan: Who are two guys who should never ever ever be paired together as opponents?
05.) Wrestler of the Week: Booker T / The WWE Discussion Thread
06.) From ch3cooh: Given the reaction to the Punk news and past reaction to things like Bryan's concussion, do you think the "new kayfabe" where no one is ever sure of what's real and what's an angle is good for the business in the long term?
07.) From sk: Right after the Montreal Screwjob, Jim Ross and Vince McMahon magically switch places. How are things different with asshole boss MR. ROSS (and Good Ol' Vince on commentary)?
08.) From Draga: What is the best song ever sung by a wrestler?
09.) From Space Cob: Would would win a battle royale consisting of Big Daddy, Big Daddy V, Big Daddy Cool, Big Daddy Yum Yum, Big Poppa Pump, and the Godfather?
10.) From NienNunb: What are your favorite Mario Kart race tracks?


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