Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ten Count Episode 32

Who will win the fight? This week, MassRafTer hosts the Ten Count with HulkaMatt and KFG, because The Goog was busy watching baseball. Fuck The Goog.

Topics: 1. "The big story of Raw is..."
2. MsChif: Your soul's tormentor...or fake preppy poser?
3. What would you do with Shane McMahon as an onscreen character?
4. What are the most disgusting promotional tactics of all time, and what should win the award in 2013?
5. Would a fully committed-to brand split work in modern WWE? If so, who would be the stars of Raw and SmackDown?
6. Who are your favorite jobbers?
7. Is there anyone in NXT right now that you think has the potential for a real main event push?
8. Who are the most underrated wrestling actors?
9. What is the best case scenario for the New Japan World Title?
10. Both of the New Japan tag divisions have gotten pretty stale. What would you do to liven things up?

This week, we reference several famous--or perhaps infamous--photos. They can be found on our website:

If you have a question for the Ten Count, send it in!

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