Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ten Count Episode 20

The Punchcasters gather once again to discuss ten topics related to professional wrestling. Or Animal Crossing. One of those.

Topics: 1. The McMahon/Helmsley...nonsense? Stupidity? Nonpidity? Stusense?
2. Kaitlyn's secret admirer revealed!
3. Predictions for WWE Payback
4. WRESTLER OF THE WEEK: John Morrison
5. Why are there so few "evil twin" storylines in pro wrestling? What wrestlers would work for one?
6. FEUD OF THE WEEK: CM Punk vs. Chavo Guerrero
7. Do any WWE gimmick matches still have credibility?
8. If Triple H had never gotten together with Stephanie McMahon, how would the main event scene have been different from 2000-08?
9. Considering how many new stars WWE has signed from them, could today's indy feds be considered the modern-day equivalents of the old territories?
10. Can TNA be salvaged? If so, how?

If you have a question for the Ten Count, send it in!


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